A Break from Me~Children's Congress 2005
Hi all, thought you might like a little break from me and my musings... by the way, this summer looks to be a very light blog posting season for me... we were not able to find any local camps to which I felt comfortable sending our son. You never really think about safety issues until you have a child with special medical needs. So many of them are staffed by high school and college kids, fine for a child with no special needs, I suppose... they were fine last year... but this year, I want people who are plugged into my child.
One camp seemed perfect. It had been founded by a former EMT and everyone at the camp had to be certified in First Aid and CPR. Sounds great, right? Then I was told, "But of course, he won't be able to keep his blood testing kit with him... it has a sharp lancet and could cause injuries. (!) It will have to be kept in our locked camp office." Well, sorry, but my son is not going to be separated from his blood glucose monitor. It could help to save his life. Locked in an office? That' s the dumbest thing I ever heard. Anyway, our summer is very unstructured, and I'll be in & out for that reason.
Children's Congress is a very special event that happens once per year. Children from all over the country travel to Washington DC to speak in front of Congress about Type 1 Diabetes.
Here's the story of the Children's Congress Chair, Lauren from Massachusetts:

Delegate: Lauren
Story: As Children's Congress 2005 ChairKid, Lauren, 13, like her mom, Moira, is driven by the need to speak out and make a difference in the world. "I want Washington--and the world--to understand that diabetes is not something that can be 'controlled or
regulated,'" she says, "and that kids like me have no other choice but a cure."
Lauren is someone who tries hard at everything--she gets straight A's, volunteers at school and at JDRF events, giving her all and usually succeeding. "But when it comes to diabetes, no matter how hard I try, nothing is perfect," she says. "I've landed in the hospital ICU. I've had highs and lows many, many times." Her aspiration is to "be someone who has been cured of a disease and now works to help other diseases be cured."
Here is where you can find many other stories and transcripts of the children's testimony before Congress.
One camp seemed perfect. It had been founded by a former EMT and everyone at the camp had to be certified in First Aid and CPR. Sounds great, right? Then I was told, "But of course, he won't be able to keep his blood testing kit with him... it has a sharp lancet and could cause injuries. (!) It will have to be kept in our locked camp office." Well, sorry, but my son is not going to be separated from his blood glucose monitor. It could help to save his life. Locked in an office? That' s the dumbest thing I ever heard. Anyway, our summer is very unstructured, and I'll be in & out for that reason.
Children's Congress is a very special event that happens once per year. Children from all over the country travel to Washington DC to speak in front of Congress about Type 1 Diabetes.
Here's the story of the Children's Congress Chair, Lauren from Massachusetts:

Delegate: Lauren
Story: As Children's Congress 2005 ChairKid, Lauren, 13, like her mom, Moira, is driven by the need to speak out and make a difference in the world. "I want Washington--and the world--to understand that diabetes is not something that can be 'controlled or
regulated,'" she says, "and that kids like me have no other choice but a cure."
Lauren is someone who tries hard at everything--she gets straight A's, volunteers at school and at JDRF events, giving her all and usually succeeding. "But when it comes to diabetes, no matter how hard I try, nothing is perfect," she says. "I've landed in the hospital ICU. I've had highs and lows many, many times." Her aspiration is to "be someone who has been cured of a disease and now works to help other diseases be cured."
Here is where you can find many other stories and transcripts of the children's testimony before Congress.
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