It's Turning into a Photo Blog
First off, the OUTFIT. These are two different readings and I am wearing THE SAME THING. I don't really have any nice, fancy clothes. I don't like them. I prefer to hang out in my "Got Steam?" t-shirt from Traintown of Sonoma, or my Death to the Pixies shirt, or my Children With Diabetes shirt. So I don't really have any great clothes and I had to go on an emergency shopping trip to Berkeley with my friends when I found out I was being sent on a book tour. So~THE OUTFIT.
And before I start~I never linked this Choose Three Interview I did on Patry Francis's "The Marvelous Garden." It was fun to do and you might like to read it. Hang out at Patry's site for awhile too~definitely a great spot on the Internet.
And onto the photos. First, M is for Mystery. An AWESOME mystery/children's bookstore in the heart of San Mateo. Worth the drive.
At this reading I got to meet a lot of online friends I'd never met in person, but have felt as if I've known really closely for a LONG time! (No pic of gorgeous BackSpacer Terez, the beautiful blonde we all want to be. :o( Take my word though, she is hot~and really nice as well. Do check out Backspace as it's one of the best writers' forums out there.)

Me & Ed Kaufman, the owner of M is for Mystery. Very, very nice man~loves books & it shows. I dunno why this photo turned out so huge. Let's say, it's in Ed's honor as a very cool bookseller.

Me & two very precious Children With Diabetes friends, Keri Ann and Barbie. I'd never met either in person and it was so great to put faces with fonts! (Keri Ann is electric pink!) These gals are so special and bravely manage their children's diabetes each and every day, bless 'em. Check out CWD for TONS of information about Type 1 Diabetes and to sign on for the mailing list... my lifeline, and how I met Keri Ann and Barbie. I mean it. If you are struggling with T1D as a parent or as an adult with T1D... get thee there immediately.

Me & fellow MomWriter Melody and her 13-year-old daughter. Melody and her daughter are reading my book together! Now THAT'S what I call having a cool mom! By the way, check out MomWriters if you are a mom & a writer. The camaraderie and support can't be beat!
And a few pix from my reading at Bookstall in Winnetka, courtesy of my high school pal Mitch!

Me & my pretty blonde sister

Me & Mitch

Me SIGNING A BOOK! Wow, I have arrived!
Also, this is pretty well the last day to order a signed copy through A Clean Well-Lighted Place in San Francisco. Just click here and type Signed Copy in the Comments box at checkout.
More photos to come when sis emails them... I can't wait to post the ones of me pounding 1800 degree metal in her boyfriend's forge! In the meantime check out the big kee-RAZY contest, below. xxoo M
And before I start~I never linked this Choose Three Interview I did on Patry Francis's "The Marvelous Garden." It was fun to do and you might like to read it. Hang out at Patry's site for awhile too~definitely a great spot on the Internet.
And onto the photos. First, M is for Mystery. An AWESOME mystery/children's bookstore in the heart of San Mateo. Worth the drive.
At this reading I got to meet a lot of online friends I'd never met in person, but have felt as if I've known really closely for a LONG time! (No pic of gorgeous BackSpacer Terez, the beautiful blonde we all want to be. :o( Take my word though, she is hot~and really nice as well. Do check out Backspace as it's one of the best writers' forums out there.)

Me & Ed Kaufman, the owner of M is for Mystery. Very, very nice man~loves books & it shows. I dunno why this photo turned out so huge. Let's say, it's in Ed's honor as a very cool bookseller.

Me & two very precious Children With Diabetes friends, Keri Ann and Barbie. I'd never met either in person and it was so great to put faces with fonts! (Keri Ann is electric pink!) These gals are so special and bravely manage their children's diabetes each and every day, bless 'em. Check out CWD for TONS of information about Type 1 Diabetes and to sign on for the mailing list... my lifeline, and how I met Keri Ann and Barbie. I mean it. If you are struggling with T1D as a parent or as an adult with T1D... get thee there immediately.

Me & fellow MomWriter Melody and her 13-year-old daughter. Melody and her daughter are reading my book together! Now THAT'S what I call having a cool mom! By the way, check out MomWriters if you are a mom & a writer. The camaraderie and support can't be beat!
And a few pix from my reading at Bookstall in Winnetka, courtesy of my high school pal Mitch!

Me & my pretty blonde sister

Me & Mitch

Me SIGNING A BOOK! Wow, I have arrived!
Also, this is pretty well the last day to order a signed copy through A Clean Well-Lighted Place in San Francisco. Just click here and type Signed Copy in the Comments box at checkout.
More photos to come when sis emails them... I can't wait to post the ones of me pounding 1800 degree metal in her boyfriend's forge! In the meantime check out the big kee-RAZY contest, below. xxoo M
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