Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Bookselling on the Edge

Is there something wrong with your head, my dear? Because it appears you are not yet reading The Adventures of The Bookseller to the Stars. My dear, WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU?

Fresh Eyes was the only bookseller's journal I was aware of for awhile. And I do like Fresh Eyes. I check it several times per week, and I'm only sad that Mr. Gray does not blog more frequently. {Though it looks as though he has new recent entry. :o)}

HOWEVUH. That said... If you want bookselling tales with an edge, book talk that's just a wee bit, shall we say, outspoken (nice word for "loudmouthed..." like me, ha ha)... check out Mark Farley, Author and Bookseller to the Stars.

Of course, I PERSONALLY like Mark Farley VERY MUCH because he emailed me out of the blue one day to tell me he had read and LOVED my book and had reviewed it on his site and was going to handsell it and talk it up all over London. Yes, I VERY MUCH LIKE people who do things like that. (My British publisher very much likes him as well!)

And then I began visiting Mark's blog, and not only is it addictive... it's just too damn good not to share. Do head on over and visit. Hang onto your belly, cos you might pull a muscle laughing.