I can't help noticing a large increase in my blog traffic since I have begun discussing alcoholism and recovery here. Interestingly, tons of these visitors arrive here via a Google search: "Am I an alcoholic?" "How do I know if I am alcoholic?" "Do I drink too much?" "how to quit drinking" "how to cut down on drinking" And so forth. I think a lot of these people come to take
the self-test I posted--which is good.
Are you one of these people?
Did you find me via a Google search trying to figure out if you are alcoholic?
If so, welcome.
Let me just say something. As a recovering alcoholic I will give it to you straight. You can't bullshit a bullshitter. Your excuses are my excuses. Your self-justification is mine. Your denial? I did that, too.
People who do not have a problem with alcohol do not sit around and wonder if they are alcoholic. People who do not have a problem with alcohol do not do Google searches to try and figure out if they are alcoholic. And people who do not have a problem with alcohol? Believe it or not, they can set down a glass at a party, forget about it and not drink anything else for the rest of the night. (I know, what a concept!) They can leave a glass half full at dinner. They can go a week or a month or a year without drinking without it being a big deal.
A fellow recovering alcholic mentioned this simple test by which most people can determine whether they are alcoholic (if the above doesn't convince):
1) Drink one drink and stop quickly. Do not drink any more for the next 24 hours. How'd that go for you?
2) Drink one drink and stop quickly. Do not drink any more for the next week. Now, drink one drink by itself and stop quickly. Do not drink any more for the next 24 hours. How'd that go?
3) Drink one drink and stop quickly. Do not drink any more for the next month. Now, drink one drink by itself and stop quickly. Do not drink any more for the next week. Now, drink one drink and stop quickly. Do not drink any more for the next 24 hours. How'd that go?
If you pass this test, that does not rule out that you have a problem; that's not it's intention. But, if you fail any of these tests, you have a problem with alcohol. Toward the end of my own drinking, I could not even pass #1.
There is a guy I know who drank beer for 15 years since he was 20. That's it, just beer. He went in and out of sobriety and was kind of coasting along thinking he would quit "someday" on a permanent basis. He felt the symptoms of flu and went to his doctor where he learned he has alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. One more drink could kill him.
He had no symptoms all this time, until it was too late. It was just "the flu" for a few days and then BAM! he was hit with this horrific diagnosis. At age 35.
I count my blessings I was able to stop drinking before this became my story. The disease of alcoholism is deadly. It's no joke.
Here are some useful links that can tell you a lot more than I can:
Sober RecoveryAlcoholics AnonymousI wish you well.